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Semujursite, Jasa Pembuatan Website Pangkalpinang

Item Name Semujursite, Jasa Pembuatan Website Pangkalpinang
Price Rp. NEGO
Description Semujursite Pangkalpinang, menenerima jasa pembuatan website untuk wilayah Kota Pangkalpinang dan Sekitarnya. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan Klick Here
Available Stock Siap Selalu..!!

Item Name Semujursite, Jasa Pembuatan Website Pangkalpinang
Price Rp. NEGO
Description Semujursite Pangkalpinang, menenerima jasa pembuatan website untuk wilayah Kota Pangkalpinang dan Sekitarnya. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan Klick Here
Available Stock Siap Selalu..!!

Perumahan Taman Tanjung Bunga Air Itam Pangkalpinang

Item Name Product Name Goes here!
Price Rp. PakeT
Description 1. Diskon DP.
2. Free biaya Administrasi Bank (Notaris, Asuransi, Provisi, dsb)
3. Suku bunga 7%.
4. Kemudahan proses KPR.

Available Stock Stock count here!
Pemesanan : email, atau hubungi : 085229838491, 081273152347, 08786357926, BB : 2928f1b0
Item Name Product Name Goes here!
Price Rp. PakeT
Description 1. Diskon DP.
2. Free biaya Administrasi Bank (Notaris, Asuransi, Provisi, dsb)
3. Suku bunga 7%.
4. Kemudahan proses KPR.

Available Stock Stock count here!
Pemesanan : email, atau hubungi : 085229838491, 081273152347, 08786357926, BB : 2928f1b0

Rumah di Jual KPR 2 Tahun

Item Name Rumah KPR
Rp. 65 jt nego
Dijual segera rumah type 45,lok. Perumahan taman tanjung bunga air itam,bukit intan. 2 kamar tidur,1 kamar mandi,luas tanah 200m,air PDAM,listrik PLN.
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Pemesanan : KPR sudah jalan 2 tahun (Hub : 081273152347)
Item Name Rumah KPR
Rp. 65 jt nego
Dijual segera rumah type 45,lok. Perumahan taman tanjung bunga air itam,bukit intan. 2 kamar tidur,1 kamar mandi,luas tanah 200m,air PDAM,listrik PLN.
Available Stock Stock count here!
Pemesanan : KPR sudah jalan 2 tahun (Hub : 081273152347)

USB Charger Plus MP3 Player

Item Name USB Charger Plus MP3 Player
Price Rp. 80 Ribu
USB Car Charger dan MP3player for car (paket)
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Item Name USB Charger Plus MP3 Player
Price Rp. 80 Ribu
USB Car Charger dan MP3player for car (paket)
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Powerbank Gadget

Item Name Powerbank
Price Rp. PAKET
Powerbank 5400 mAh rp 200.000,- dan 10.400 mAh rp 300.000,-
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Item Name Powerbank
Price Rp. PAKET
Powerbank 5400 mAh rp 200.000,- dan 10.400 mAh rp 300.000,-
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Quick Power Kapasitas 5200

Item Name Quick Power
Rp. 200 Ribu
Description Quick Power Kapasitas 5200
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Misc Pemesanan : silahkan e-mail
Item Name Quick Power
Rp. 200 Ribu
Description Quick Power Kapasitas 5200
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Teh Kulit Manggis (Isi 25 kantong)

Item Name Teh Kulit Manggis
Price Rp. PakeT
Dapat menyembuhkan beberapa penyakit:
- Infeksi saluran kemih
- Mencegah kolestrol dan penyakit jantung
- Radang paru-paru
- Stroke
- Mencegah gangguan penglihatan pada mata
- Mengurangi tekanan darah tinggi
- Menjaga kesehatan saluran pencernaan
- Diabetes
- Tumor
- Sakit tulang & otot
- Mencegah dan mengatasi penyakit kanker
- Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh
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Pemesanan Hubungi: 081929641301/ e-mail
Item Name Teh Kulit Manggis
Price Rp. PakeT
Dapat menyembuhkan beberapa penyakit:
- Infeksi saluran kemih
- Mencegah kolestrol dan penyakit jantung
- Radang paru-paru
- Stroke
- Mencegah gangguan penglihatan pada mata
- Mengurangi tekanan darah tinggi
- Menjaga kesehatan saluran pencernaan
- Diabetes
- Tumor
- Sakit tulang & otot
- Mencegah dan mengatasi penyakit kanker
- Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh
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Pemesanan Hubungi: 081929641301/ e-mail

Teh Tayu Jebus (Cap Menumbing)

Item Name Product Name Goes here!
Price Rp.
- Menurunkan kolesterol
- Anti oksidan
- Menghaluskan kulit
- Menambah stamina (dicampur madu)
Pemesanan : 0819 2964 1301/ e-mail
Available Stock Full Stock!
Misc Agree Stock!
Item Name Product Name Goes here!
Price Rp.
- Menurunkan kolesterol
- Anti oksidan
- Menghaluskan kulit
- Menambah stamina (dicampur madu)
Pemesanan : 0819 2964 1301/ e-mail
Available Stock Full Stock!
Misc Agree Stock!

Madu Menumbing (Madu Pahit & Madu Manis Hutan Bangka)

Item Name Madu Menumbing
Price Rp. PAKET
Tersedia dalam berbagai paket :
- Paket Komplit : Rp. 950.000,-
- Paket Pahit : Rp. 850.000,-
- Paket Manis : Rp. 600.000,-
- Paket Paman : Rp. 720.000,-
- Paket Sederhana : Rp. 795.000,-
- Paket Hemat : Rp. 600.000,- (hubungi :
0819 2964 1301 / e-mail untuk pemesanan
Available Stock FULL!

Item Name Madu Menumbing
Price Rp. PAKET
Tersedia dalam berbagai paket :
- Paket Komplit : Rp. 950.000,-
- Paket Pahit : Rp. 850.000,-
- Paket Manis : Rp. 600.000,-
- Paket Paman : Rp. 720.000,-
- Paket Sederhana : Rp. 795.000,-
- Paket Hemat : Rp. 600.000,- (hubungi :
0819 2964 1301 / e-mail untuk pemesanan
Available Stock FULL!

Honey Pelawan Bangka Usefulness guaranteed!

Item Name Honey Pelawan Bangka
Price $99.99
Honey Pelawan (latin: Tristania Mainganyi) This image has a unique flavor with a bitter taste have higher efficacy in comparison with other types of wild honey. The reaction caused after consuming honey-fighting, muscle blood flow and mitigate warm breath work, heart and kidneys as well as stamina is getting noticeably stronger.
Properties that have been proven empirically (Bangka people experience long ago) help cure diseases such as:
  • Increase stamina and immunity
  • Overcome the disorder of the stomach (gastritis) chronic.
  • Treat rheumatism and gout
  • Help treat coughs, colds and sore throats
  • Normalize blood sugar for diabetics
  • Cure asthma, polyps and sinusitis
  • Help treat breast cancer
  • Blood circulation
  • Heal burns.
  • Help cure low blood and high blood
  • Overcome sexual dysfunction in men (impotence)
  • ncreased platelets and help cure malaria fever, typhoid and dengue.
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Item Name Honey Pelawan Bangka
Price $99.99
Honey Pelawan (latin: Tristania Mainganyi) This image has a unique flavor with a bitter taste have higher efficacy in comparison with other types of wild honey. The reaction caused after consuming honey-fighting, muscle blood flow and mitigate warm breath work, heart and kidneys as well as stamina is getting noticeably stronger.
Properties that have been proven empirically (Bangka people experience long ago) help cure diseases such as:
  • Increase stamina and immunity
  • Overcome the disorder of the stomach (gastritis) chronic.
  • Treat rheumatism and gout
  • Help treat coughs, colds and sore throats
  • Normalize blood sugar for diabetics
  • Cure asthma, polyps and sinusitis
  • Help treat breast cancer
  • Blood circulation
  • Heal burns.
  • Help cure low blood and high blood
  • Overcome sexual dysfunction in men (impotence)
  • ncreased platelets and help cure malaria fever, typhoid and dengue.
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Kemplang Bangka Tradition Food Khas

Item Name Kemplang Bangka
Price $99.99
Description Crackers or also called kemplang Bangka is also a snack or as a side dish can be. The basic ingredients used are mackerel fish and tapioca flour. Fish can also be replaced with shrimp or squid.
Materials for making crackers or kemplang Bangka:

  • mackerel fish
  • tapioca Starch
  • salt to taste
  • seasonings
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Item Name Kemplang Bangka
Price $99.99
Description Crackers or also called kemplang Bangka is also a snack or as a side dish can be. The basic ingredients used are mackerel fish and tapioca flour. Fish can also be replaced with shrimp or squid.
Materials for making crackers or kemplang Bangka:

  • mackerel fish
  • tapioca Starch
  • salt to taste
  • seasonings
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Toboali Belacin is Real Shrimp Paste

Item Name Toboali Belacin Bangka
Price $99.99
Description Shrimp Paste or called in Indonesian is belacan. But for Bangka people more famous with name Belacin, is the kind of seasoning. The main material of Toboali Belacin is the shrimp with salt added. Bangka people typically use Belacin for cooking lempa kuning, lempa darat, condiment and others. Made from tiny shrimps obtained by Bangka traditional fishing
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Item Name Toboali Belacin Bangka
Price $99.99
Description Shrimp Paste or called in Indonesian is belacan. But for Bangka people more famous with name Belacin, is the kind of seasoning. The main material of Toboali Belacin is the shrimp with salt added. Bangka people typically use Belacin for cooking lempa kuning, lempa darat, condiment and others. Made from tiny shrimps obtained by Bangka traditional fishing
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Coment ID

2013 SMK BAKTI PANGKALPINANG | Jasa Webs PKP for Amazone Zona Shopp Special Thanks: WooThemes Coupon Code, copyright
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